I have now received a response from the Council on this issue which you can read below. It is a little complex but there is 106 money going out for the 130 houses on the Horwich College site.
"In the Council’s response we advised that there was no section 106 agreement attached to the grant of approval for the planning application stated and that therefore the information requested was not held.
However, this response relates specifically to the planning application referred to in the request and it does not mean that there is no Section 106 agreement in place for the site and the approved development.
The application which the requester referred to is a reserved matters application. This type of application follows on from the approval of an outline planning application with the purpose of seeking approval for the outstanding reserved matters, i.e. the information excluded from the initial outline planning application, and will typically include information about the layout, access, scale and appearance of the development.
Section 106 agreements are not attached to reserved matters applications, they are instead attached to the outline application which precedes the reserved matters application.
In this case, the application which referred to in the request (planning reference 96670/16) is linked to an outline application (planning reference 91358/14) which was granted planning approval on Thursday 11th June 2015. A Section 106 agreement was imposed as part of the planning approval for the outline planning application and was therefore already in place before planning application 96670/16 was submitted.
The agreement is available on the Council’s website: https://www.planningpa.bolton.gov.uk/online-applications-17/ and I have also attached a copy for your convenience.
We have contacted the requester today outlining the above in order to clarify the situation regarding the site and the Section 106 arrangements.
I trust this clarifies the matter, but if you require anything further please let me know."