Bolton West and Atherton MP Chris Green has met with Bellway Homes amidst complaints from local residents about disruption to their area.
Mr Green, organised the meeting after he received several complaints from constituents around Collingwood Way, regarding the disruption they experienced from the Bowland’s Hey housing development.
During the meeting, the MP raised his constituents concerns and Bellway Homes agreed to look into the issues and to also make changes to the site’s organisation.
Mr Green said: “I am very pleased that Bellway have worked to resolve complaints made by those affected by the disruption at Bowland’s Hey.
“Some of the new changes include new signage for large vehicles entering the site and putting up a mirror near the entrance to the site.
“I hope these changes help solve the congestion around the site for local residents.”
The MP has encouraged those affected to get in touch with him again if any further issues do arise. You can do this by emailing him at [email protected]