See below Chris Green MP's full objection letter to Bowlands Hey phase two.
"Dear Sirs,
Re: Objection to planning application reference 06410/19 – Erection of 174 dwellings, roads, footways, landscaping, walls, fencing and public open space – Land at Bowlands Hey, Westhoughton, Bolton.
As the Member of Parliament for Bolton West, I am writing to you to object to the planning application reference 06410/19.
Just over four months ago, the proposed development, known as Bowlands Hey phase two, was rejected by a government planning inspector, a decision welcomed by local people. The reasons for this objection included the “major adverse” landscape and visual impact of the development, and its failure to protect the “positive characteristics” of the local area.
Despite these comments being made on the destruction of another of our green spaces and the decision to reject this development, Bellway Homes have once again brought their planning application before Bolton Council, with very few changes made to the original plans. In my view, this demonstrates a complete lack of respect for local democracy and the wishes of Westhoughton residents.
In addition to these reasons, I still believe that this development is wholly unsuitable for the town of Westhoughton. Local people regularly contact me about increasing levels of traffic, long waiting times for a doctor’s appointment and a lack of school places. However, due to forty years of Labour neglect, our town has not received any of the infrastructure improvements needed to support its current population, let alone the growing population as a result of increased housebuilding. This planning application, proposing 174 more houses for Westhoughton, will only further add to the pressure on our already strained local infrastructure and vital services.
Not only this, the proposed location of the site is also problematic, not just for its destruction of yet another of our local green spaces, but also for the people living near to the proposed development. Residents off Collingwood Way, Bligh Road, Grundy Street and Church Street have already been subjected to significant disruption as a result of Bowlands Hey phase one, including speeding works vehicles, dirty roads, noise pollution at unacceptable hours, road damage and more.
I persistently raised these concerns with both Bellway and the Council but disappointingly, little was done to reduce the disruption. Now that Bowlands Hey phase one draws to an end, it would be wholly unfair to subject even more residents to further disruption and I have little faith that the developer will take meaningful action in the future to improve the experience for residents surrounding the development.
It is for these reasons that I urge you refuse the planning application for a further 174 houses on the land off Bowlands Hey.
Yours Sincerely,
Chris Green
Member of Parliament for Bolton West "