Rather than read a prepared speech at this year’s Labour Conference, Ed Miliband chose to speak from memory. In doing so, he forgot to mention some key concerns that people in Bolton West have. Two of the top issues that people raise with Chris Green on the doorstep are about dealing with immigration and sorting out the budget deficit and economy.
By leaving out two of the key concerns of the people of Bolton West in his hour long speech it shows that the Labour leader is out of touch with normal voters. It isn’t just Ed Miliband that is out of touch since 85% of new Labour MP candidates believe that Labour didn’t spend too much of your money under Tony Blair and Gordon Brown and 1 in 10 think they should have spent even more. 58% don’t think immigration is too high.
Scottish devolution, which was started by Labour, means that Scottish MPs vote on English laws, such as health and education, but English MPs cannot vote on Scottish laws. This has to be sorted out but Ed Miliband has decided to kick it into the long grass with a constitutional convention. Has he stopped listening to the voice of the people of England.
P.S. He didn’t mention welfare reform either….