Chris Green MP has welcomed the news that the Planning Inspectorate has rejected the plans for phase two of the controversial Bowlands Hey development.
The government planning inspector decided to reject the plans, stating that they would cause a ‘major adverse’ visual and landscape impact on the area.
Martin Tighe, Conservative Council candidate for Westhoughton South, has also welcomed the news. Mr Tighe said: “Westhoughton has already seen more of its fair share of housing development in recent years, with little to no improvements to our local infrastructure.
“Our beautiful green spaces have also been built upon, with Bolton Council demonstrating that they prefer a green-field first policy instead of encouraging developers to build on brown-field first.
“I’m very pleased to hear that planning permission has been rejected by the Planning Inspectorate but I fear that the fight against this development is not yet over.”
Mr Green also added: “I have been in contact with Bolton Council for several months with complaints constituents have raised about phase one of Bowlands Hey has caused them, yet they have seen little action from Bolton Council to improve the current situation.
“This is why I’m glad that the second phase of this development has been rejected and I will continue to urge the Council to take action to reduce the daily disruption that residents are facing from phase one of Bowlands Hey.”