Chris Green MP is hosting a Pensioners’ Advice and Information Fair next month in Westhoughton. This will mark the third Pensioners’ fair that Mr Green has organised.
The MP has organsed the fair so that key organisations are brought together in one room to give older people a chance to discuss and get advice and support on a variety of issues they have.
The event is free to attend and provides a great opportunity for pensioners who may be seeking support and information.
Mr Green said: “I receive a large number of request for advice, information and support from people across Bolton West and Atherton and a lot of these requests come from older people relating to a variety of aspects of their lives.
“The Pensioners’ Fair is a fantastic way of connecting elderly residents with local and national organisations that can help with the problems they face.
“I hope to see many of my constituents at the fair.”
The fair takes place on Friday 5th October 2018 at St Bartholomew’s Church, Westhoughton, BL5 2BG. Doors open at 10am and the fair finishes at 1pm. Further details of the event can also be found on Mr Green’s Facebook page.
If you are an organisation who would like to be involved, please contact Mr Green’s office by emailing [email protected] for more information.