Chris Green MP will be holding two public events next week and is inviting his constituents to share their concerns directly with him.
During the “Meet your MP” and “Coffee with Chris” events, Mr Green will be encouraging his constituents to ask questions and raise their concerns about local, national and international matters.
Mr Green said: “One of the reasons I hold these events is to ensure that I remain up-to-date with the concerns of my constituents, so that I can continue to voice their concerns in the constituency and in Parliament.
“I also believe that these events enable me to remain accountable to my constituents, so they can remain informed about what I’ve been doing, what views I hold and the decisions that I have made.
“I’m looking forward to holding these public events next week and I hope to see many of my constituents there.
Coffee with Chris: Tuesday 28th May, 10am to 12pm at The Coffee Shop @ Heaton, 59 New Hall Lane, Bolton, BL1 5LW.
Meet your MP – Westhoughton: Wednesday 29th May, 7pm to 8pm, Westhoughton Cricket Club, Cappadocia Way, Westhoughton, Bolton, BL5 2GG.
The events are free to attend and require no appointment.