Chris Green MP has welcomed the government’s decision to ban cold-callers from discussing pensions.
This government decision was made in a bid to prevent pensions scams, after it was found that cold-calling was the main source of people losing their pension funds to fraudsters.
It is now illegal to cold-call anyone to discuss their pensions and those who are found breaking this law could be subject to fines of up to £500,000.
Mr Green said: “Scammers that target people’s pensions through cold-calling have left far too many people facing their retirement with a greatly reduced income, with little ability to rebuild their savings.
“Since being an MP, I’ve had a number of people contact me with either concerns about pensions scams or as victims of them, so I’m pleased to see the government has taken this crucial step to ban pensions cold-calling.
“I now hope that with the government’s changes, there will now be fewer victims of these devastating scams.”
If anyone comes across any cold-caller attempting to discuss their pension, they can report them to the Information Commissioner’s Office by calling 0303 123 1113 or by visiting their website