Dear Sirs,
I am writing to you in order to submit my objections to planning application APP/N4205/W/18/3210299, regarding the proposed development on Horwich Golf Course and the adjacent land by The Peel Group. This application is inappropriate for a great many reasons.
In Bolton West and Atherton there has been an increasing number of housing developments which have negatively impacted upon residents in the area. The increase in the number of houses has put increased strain on the already highly congested road networks and this is no different for the road networks surrounding Horwich Golf Course. This application will result in further increases in the amount of road users, not only increasing pollution but also extended the already intolerable journey times of many local residents.
The number of green space developments in my constituency are also on the rise despite the availability of numerous brown-field sites. Brown field development should be a priority in Bolton West and Atherton and we have already seen successes of this with the development of the old AG Barr site and Horwich Loco Works. Yet developers are insistent upon earmarking our green spaces for current and future housing and industrial developments.
This ongoing destruction of our green spaces is unacceptable and we are already seeing a major visual impact on our local area. The Peel Group's proposed development at Horwich Golf Course will only worsen this. We should all be working towards protecting our precious green spaces and developers should instead be opting to pursue some of the many available brown-field sites in our area.
I will be supporting Stocks Residents' Association in their fight against this development, due to the adverse effects that this will have on local residents and the area they live in. I am calling upon you to ensure that this proposed development does not go ahead, so that we can preserve our green spaces and prevent an increase to the ongoing congestion and pollution problems in our town.
Yours sincerely,
Chris Green
Member of Parliament for Bolton West