Dear Sir
I am writing in order to submit my objections to planning application A/17/83795/MAJMIN, regarding Maxilead’s proposed move to the Chanters Industrial Estate. This application, for a large industrial site, is inappropriate and unsuitable given its proximity to a residential area.
A scrap metal processing plant comes with an immense amount of noise, light and other pollution which would be incredibly disruptive and damaging in a residential area. Heavy goods vehicles will be accessing the site throughout the day from the early hours of the morning until late in the evening causing further disruption to the area. As the new development is further away from a main arterial road than Maxilead’s current site, extra traffic and pollution will also be added to Atherton’s already congested roads.
Maxilead’s initial proposals were unsuitable for the local area even including the noise mitigation work that was planned. However, having found a major problem with the plan this key element of noise abatement cannot now happen, which will lead to more noise disturbance for local residents.
The major failure to accurately assess the position of the water table shows the inadequacy of the initial assessment of the suitability of the site and further undermines the confidence of local residents.
I am calling on Wigan Council to veto the proposals and prevent Maxilead from having such an adverse impact on local residents and the area they live in.
Yours Sincerely
Chris Green
Member of Parliament for Bolton West and Atherton