Shale Gas Development | Westminster Hall debates Surely permitted development should be rejected if we are to respect local knowledge, local democracy and the Government’s own devolution ag
Hospice Funding and the NHS Pay Award - [Mr Philip Davies in the Chair] | Westminster Hall debates This is an incredibly important topic for debate, not least for Bolton Hospice, which is just outside my constituency. Does the hon.
Nursery Sector: Sustainability - [Mike Gapes in the Chair] | Westminster Hall debates From London to York, stopping at Rugby, Salford and Burnley along the way, there has been broad consensus, captured by the hon.
Nursery Sector: Sustainability - [Mike Gapes in the Chair] | Westminster Hall debates From London to York, stopping at Rugby, Salford and Burnley along the way, there has been broad consensus, captured by the hon.
Nursery Sector: Sustainability - [Mike Gapes in the Chair] | Westminster Hall debates There is also an additional cost for those parents who need 40 hours of childcare and have to pay a separate rate for it.
Nursery Sector: Sustainability - [Mike Gapes in the Chair] | Westminster Hall debates There is also an additional cost for those parents who need 40 hours of childcare and have to pay a separate rate for it.
Nursery Sector: Sustainability - [Mike Gapes in the Chair] | Westminster Hall debates The hon. Lady and I share a common position.